Resources For
Pregnancy, Birth Control, STD / STI

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📖 Being sexually active in Jefferson County... (Show/Hide)

The most important thing to know if you are heterosexually active is that you have many options here in Jefferson County to help you not get pregnant, or to figure out exactly what your options are if you do get pregnant. You are not alone. Also know that if you have had unprotected sex, advocating quickly for yourself within 3 to 5 days, will mean that you will have the most options, including emergency contraception (aka. the morning after pill). If you are having gay, lesbian or straight sex and want condoms or dental dams, or if you think you might have an STD or STI and want to be tested and treated, or if you simply want some questions answered, this section is also for you.

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Jefferson County Public Health Sexual Health Clinic

🌐 Website | 📞 360-385-9400

615 Sheridan St.
Port Townsend, WA 98368 | 🗺️ Map

Text 360-774-0187 Text for Appointments | 615 Sheridan St. Port Townsend *AND* 294843 US-101, Quilcene Located at Medical Bldg behind Post Office On Rogers Street | Offering in person and telehealth appointments for family planning, birth control, emergency contraception, STD testing and treatment, as well as preventative health and treatment. For those who decided to have a child, Jeffco Public Health offers a free personal nurse, financial assistant services such as WIC, and free diaper services. These services are offered on a sliding scale and they take all insurances as well as offering low or no cost services.

Jefferson Healthcare - Pregnancy Line

📞 360-344-1000

834 Sheridan Street
Port Townsend, WA 98368 | 🗺️ Map

Call or text the pregnancy line to discuss and schedule comprehensive care for all pregnancy options with a trained nurse. They can help someone establish prenatal care, discuss pregnancy options with a trained pregnancy counselor, write a referral for adoption services, or schedule an abortion. They are quick to return text and call to provide accurate information, answer questions, and help people of all ages understand choices for their body.

Nurse Family Partnership

🌐 Website | 📞 360-385-9400

615 Sheridan Street
Port Townsend, WA 98368 | 🗺️ Map

Nurse-Family Partnership is free personal nurse for people who are pregnant with their first baby. When you enroll you will be connected to a registered nurse who will provide the support, advice, and information you need to have a healthy pregnancy, a healthy baby, and to become a great parent.

School Based Health Centers

📞 360-385-9400

360-390-8560 Text or Leave a message | 360-385-9400 to make appointments | Free and Takes Insurance | Port Townsend, Chimicum, Quilcine High School. The School Based Health Centers provide the following services at the schools: sports physicals, illnesses and injury support, birth control, Wellness and Nutrition consultations, Stress Management, Depression, Pregnancy Tests, Sexually Transmitted Infection Testing and Treatment as well as Immunizations. Can be done anonymously without parental consent if someone is 13 or older.

The Nest - Free Pregnancy Tests

🌐 Website

1119 Lawrence St.
Port Townsend, WA 98368 | 🗺️ Map

Wednesday - Saturday. During hours of operations, people 26 and under can access free pregnancy tests in the large bathroom near the coffee window completely anonymously. The bathroom also has safe sex supplies such as condoms, dental dams, and vaginal condoms.


End of Pregnancy section (109) | Last updated: Mar 15, 2024