Resources For
Medical Rights of Minors in Washington State

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When can a minor access health care without parental consent?


Visit these Websites for more information when minors can also get medical services without authorized adult permission in the special situations.

Then following is copied from the state Web site link:

Washington State's general age of majority for health care, meaning you can get healthcare services in Washington without an authorized adult's permission, is 18. You can read the state law about this at RCW 26.28.010.

Parents may consent for minors. "Authorized adults" also include:

If you are under age 18, you can get healthcare services without an authorized adult’s consent if you are married to an adult (RCW 26.28.020), or have legally emancipated from your parents (RCW 13.64), or have been determined by a health care provider to be a mature minor, or in some situations if you are homeless.


End of Rights section (78) | Last updated: Apr 18, 2024